Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Inexpensive Deer Repellant...that really works!

I live on the edge of the wilderness in Montana.
We have a plethora of wildlife that pass through our yard all year long.
Bears, mountain lions, skunks, squirrels...
and most annoyingly...

They eat EVERYTHING they can find!
The first Spring in my house, 6 years ago, my husband and I planted tulips.
We put them in the front of our house, as well as the side.
That first year, they grew so tall and were beautiful!
We were so excited to have tulips every year.

The next year, our tulips started coming up and a few weeks later...
the deer had come and eaten everything that was sprouting.
Nothing else grew that year.
We decided to put up an electric fence the third year.
It turned out that our grounding rod didn't work properly, so again, those dang deer ate everything!

We became so discouraged!
Year after year our beautiful tulips were being a consumed by deer.
We couldn't put up a 7' fence around our house to protect them,
our electric fence wasn't working, and we were out of options!
We talked about digging them up and planting a different flower that deer don't like to eat.

I have recently started a new job.
In my conversation with one customer, we started talking about flowers
and how the deer around here eat everything.
This wonderful woman, told me that for 30+ years she was able to keep the deer away from her flowers with one simple trick...
Irish Spring Original Soap!
She would put whole bars around her flowers and garden and the deer wouldn't touch it!
She emphasized the Original Soap, not the other varieties.

I decided to purchase some that day and try it out.
I took one bar, cut it into chunks, and placed them between flowers.
 Our tulips haven't been touched yet!
 I am so excited to finally have tulips growing!
Once a week, I flip the soap over so that a fresh smelling side is up.

Now the only problem I have, a neighbor animal (I think a dog) has found our soap and has been taking it. Hopefully that animal isn't getting too sick from eating it.

I will keep you updated on how long this trick works.
But so far, it is working fantastically!

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